You’re Invited to worship with us
this Sunday at 8:00 and 10:15 AM.
4911 North Knoxville Avenue in Peoria (get directions)
St. Michael’s is a community of people bound together by our commitment to Jesus Christ and His presence among us and living out our faith through word, Sacraments, and work.
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Anglicans, we seek to embrace the fullness of the Christian faith as it was delivered by the Apostles. Our roots run through the Christian faith as it has been practiced and shaped by the Book of Common Prayer and as it has been articulated in the historic Creeds of the Church.
We are rooted in Jesus Christ and in the practices of baptism and communion that Jesus instituted for us.
In our sacramental worship, we seek to bring Christ into our presence by making the ancient liturgies of the Church relevant to the world of today. Our worship is rooted in the ancient while seeking to speak to the world of today and looking to the future.

The mission of the church includes both evangelistic proclamation and deeds of love and service. God has blessed us so that we can go and be a blessing to others.
We affirm our particular responsibility to know, love, and serve the Lord in our local settings and contexts. Since the biblical pattern of witness moves from the local to the global, we endeavor to be well-informed about our local communities and active in evangelism, service, and cross-cultural, international mission, with particular concern for the poor of the world.

God is Love. Love created us. Love holds us together. Love changes us, leads us, refines us, defines us, and heals us. This eternal fellowship of love has been fully shared with us so that we might fully share in God.
We love because Christ first loved us. We believe that we are called to extend Jesus’ life-giving invitation to everyone. We don’t care who you are, where you’ve been, or what you’ve done. We want you to know and experience the fullness of life that Jesus gives us.